Sunday, 19 January 2014

No Game New Year- Week 3

Hello again everyone!
Well it's week 3 of the challenge and what a week it has been!  I have dived right back into the world of casting on twitch and had a blast!  The first game I beat on cast this year was Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.  I thought this was a really good choice since I just finished beating its sequel, A Link Between Worlds (LBW).  It was really interesting to observe the differences between the two games, but more on that later.  Since I spent most of my free time casting I didn't make a lot of progress on the other games I was working my way through, so this will be a short update.  Jacklifear was kind enough to donate UnEpic to me, so I was able to start that as well!

Pokemon X
I continued to work on my breeding this week.  Kisuke was kind enough to donate a bunch of 2IV dittos to me, so now breeding is a bit easier.  I can't wait until pokebank comes out though, I have some pokemon from Black and White 2 I really want to bring over. (Truth be told I'm tempted to start working my way through the rest of BW2 so I can bring even more over).  I also did some supertraining with my cubone.  I have to say that overall I think I prefer just battling to EV train my pokemon since I have pokerus available whenever I want (makes it so your pokemon train faster).  Overall a fairly productive week for pokemon!

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
As I said before, I dived back into casting this week, with this game being the one I chose to play first.  It was really interesting playing this having just finished LBW.  I could see how they reused a lot of the mechanics in LBW yet tweaked them to work better.  It's been a really long time since I played through this game and I have to say, its age does show at times.  A lot of the items you needed to progress in the game were never hinted at at all, and if chat hadn't been there I don't know how I would have found them.  (Playing through on my own I may have been willing to wander aimlessly for a while, but I don't like doing that when I'm casting).  I have no idea how I figured out how to beat this game as a kid haha.  Anyway, despite it's flaws, particularly Ganon's Tower, I still really enjoyed playing through this game again, and overall it does age well.

I wanted this game from the moment I saw Zeke play it.  Then Julia and Jacklifear made it ever more awesome by making it so I can play as KROOM!! (A character Zeke made up during his Legend of Grimrock cast).  However, due to the no new game challenge, I couldn't buy it.  Thankfully, Jack took pity on my soul and donated it, so I have now began playing it on cast.  Thus far it has not disappointed!  I am playing as Kroom, key and all!  Huge props to Julia, Jack and Fran (the developer) for making such a great game.  If you aren't doing the no new game challenge I highly recommend buying it, it's only $8.  You will not be disappointed.

Well that's all for this week, here's the link to my games completed spreadsheet if you're interested, and I'll talk to you guys next week!

1 comment:

  1. A Link to the Past! That takes me back! I had that game on the SNES, I think I got it in 1997 so I was behind the times even then. One of the only times I've ever managed an RPG right to the end. Great game, and I'm glad to see it come up in the challenge!
