Monday, 17 October 2011

Some updated information!

Hi guys!
I know it's been forever since I've made a blog post, and I apologize for that, most of you know how hectic things have been for me lately, I just haven't had time to update!
There have been some major changes happening, with the major one being that Solidbeef and I will now both be casting at my channel.  We figured it's a great way to get both of us more views, and frankly use the channel more!  As I've said before if you really hate one of us, and don't want to watch, we will put the name of who is casting in the title, so you know what you're getting before you come in :P.  Beef will be casting mostly during the day, where my casts will be evenings/weekends.  Also, I really want to try and up the frequency of my casts, I know I haven't been casting much (again busy!) but I want to pick it up.
I want to take this time to remind you all of the Binding of Isaac race that is taking place shortly.  So far I have 7 people signed up, this means that ideally this coming weekend there would be two prelim races, with the top two in each race proceeding on to the final on Oct.29.  I have to confirm this with the racers yet, so this isn't a for sure thing.  Also, MANvsGAME has offered his skills as a commentator again, so I'm sure the finals will be a blast! Fingers crossed developers show up!
I've also been floating some ideas for the blog, some of which I'm sure you guys may not like so much.  One is following my journey as a newbie SC2 player.  (I would make it a different section of the blog so those of you that have a complete aversion to the game wouldn't have to see it).  I think it would be really cool for me to be able to track my progress as I (hopefully) get better at the game.  This would mean more SC2 casts, but they wouldn't replace the normal casts, they would just be extra, ninja casts.  I know a lot of you don't like SC2 purely on principle, but I find it really exciting to watch and play, and I want to start incorporating it more (I've kinda been hiding it for fear of backlash).  This would also give me a place to comment on stuff I find cool and exciting about the game without interfering with this section of the blog. (Such as Huk, a Canadian Protoss being the first Non-Korean to win MLG since Koreans started competing).
So let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some neat ideas. :) It'd be interesting to see your progress in SC2 as well, that game is tough to learn and it'd give others insight on breaking into a cut-throat competitive game like that.
