Hi everyone, I'm stealing an idea from twitter and making every Friday a follow Friday, however instead of twitter follows, I'm doing JTV follows! Every Friday I'll profile a caster I like, and think you should follow! (I'm going to keep it to not super well known casters). No, I'm not crazy, I realize that today is not Friday, however I am going to be out of town with no access to internet, so I'm releasing this now.
The first follow Friday goes to King Foom (or Foom as I'll call him). I find Foom to be a really great caster, and a great person to boot! He has very rapidly become one of my favorite casters on JTV. Foom has me in stitches on most of his casts, he truly is a funny guy. He generally plays newer games such as Alice: Madness Returns, LA Noire etc. He also sometimes runs MK9 lobbies, however he hasn't lately due to the online being unstable. He is a very laid back caster, and doesn't take things (including himself) too seriously. He is very open about the fact that he is more about chatting and having a great time than excelling at video games. That is one of the great things about Foom, he really concentrates on interacting with his chat and making sure everyone is greeted and feels welcome.
The first follow Friday goes to King Foom (or Foom as I'll call him). I find Foom to be a really great caster, and a great person to boot! He has very rapidly become one of my favorite casters on JTV. Foom has me in stitches on most of his casts, he truly is a funny guy. He generally plays newer games such as Alice: Madness Returns, LA Noire etc. He also sometimes runs MK9 lobbies, however he hasn't lately due to the online being unstable. He is a very laid back caster, and doesn't take things (including himself) too seriously. He is very open about the fact that he is more about chatting and having a great time than excelling at video games. That is one of the great things about Foom, he really concentrates on interacting with his chat and making sure everyone is greeted and feels welcome.
Right now he's having a WWE contest. Viewers from his stream pick a wrestler, and then he plays WWE, but lets the AI control the fights. The tag team winners receiving $20 each in Steam, Xbox live or PS3 money! It only took a couple hours for all 60 fighters to be chosen, so I'm sure he'll do it again! Here is a link to the forum post regarding the contest. Foom is also very community minded; at the end of his casts he shows highlights of other casters to try and get them exposure. If you are interested, Here is a link to the forum post where you can suggest casters and post highlights for him to check out.
Every other Wednesday (I believe) Foom does a WTF Wednesday, where he plays either super weird or super bad games. WTF Wednesdays is one of my favourite features, as even (or especially) when Foom plays terrible games, he makes it a great time! The WTF Wednesday I caught he played ragdoll volleyball (a free flash game), and it was a hoot! Foom also has Flashback Fridays (I believe every other Friday as well, but not sure), where he plays retro games. Here is a link to suggest WTF Wednesday and Flashback Friday titles. This Friday Foom is playing Willow for the NES, should be a great time!
Now for what you've all been waiting for, highlights!!
That's all for this Friday, please check out King Foom, you'll have a blast '-' !
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