Hey guys,
I know it's been FOREVER since I've done a blog post, but I feel like this one is too long for a tweet. I've been wanting to get back into regularly scheduled casting again, but I'm having trouble deciding a time. Evenings are nice as I get back from work and can start up, and I can generally go as long as I want. The problem with this however, is that there are a TON of other casters that cast at this time, some of which I love watching myself. I'm not hesitating because I think these other casters will be "mad" I'm casting when they are, it's more me. I want to watch these casts as well, not to mention, I have a noticeable viewer drop (30-50%ish) once the big casters come on (MAN, Day9 etc). Although I'm not "in it" for the numbers, it's always nice to see the cast grow, and I'd like to have a timeslot that allows my cast a chance to really start to pick up some steam.
I've also debated casting early in the morning, these casts would start about 7 am EST and go till about 10 am EST. The problem with these casts are they are before work, so I'm incredibly limited as to how long I can go. The upside is there aren't many casters casting at that time. Also, I have to get my ass out of bed xD.
I would love to cast in the early afternoons (starting like 3pm EST) but sadly I work and thats not a viable option. I've also debated starting at like.. 2 am or something, the only problem with this is I'd have to pretty much switch my sleeping schedule completely (it would be like I'm working a night shift) and I'm not sure I want to do that either. I'm leaning toward the evening casts, but I'm definitely looking for input.
Oh, and yes, in the end I'll just "cast when I want", but I'm looking for input as I'm really having trouble coming to a decision. I just want to find a comfortable casting time for everyone, I'd really like to get the channel going and I'd really like to start growing viewership again!